A few months ago I spent Christmas and New Years alone. No
family. No friends. No gifts. A little tree with some lights on it. A small
Christmas dinner (in a can). Far from home but with a lot of good memories of
I didn't feel too sad because I knew things would change for
the better because I knew I would change them for the better. It was all up to
me, not fate, or luck (although understand that those are big players in this
game too). If I didn't like where I was at that moment I couldn't feel sorry
myself and blame someone else, play the victim. I was the one who put myself
there and I knew I was the one that had to change. So I did.
See, misery is never very far away from us (it lurks around
every dark corner) but neither is joy. You've got to roll with that black horse
when it visits, ride that bitch out if you can but you've got to enjoy the hell
out of the other too, when it chances to come your way. Above all, you've got
to recognize joy when it shows up to dance with you and, sorry, that's not
nearly as easy as it sounds.
You've got to fight tooth and nail in this life to try and
be as happy as you can with the circumstances you've been given. You've got to
fight with every inch of your being for that and grit your teeth and stick out
your chin while you're doing it too because although without a doubt it's the
right fight to be in, it's going to be hard sometimes. So hard that maybe
you'll be blind to everything else.
Along the way however, always remember one
thing: even though there are people out there in the world who will take the
heart right out of you...there are those who will put it right back in again
(let them). Learn to recognize who they are because that's something really
worth knowing. But it's up to you in the end. It's up to you to embrace the
wonders in this life and to deny the darkness (and there are plenty of both).
Be strong, be brave, be kind, be noble and above all, slay your dragons and
keep on moving. Don't stop. And finally, even if happiness forgets you for a
little while, never completely forget about it. It's there waiting for the
other to pass. Even in your darkest hour don't ever doubt that for a second!!